
How to use

Register for an account

Member view

Once you are logged in, the home page (accessible via the dropdown menu, or the squirrel icon in the corner) will display a calendar with dots indicating the availability of shifts.
  • Available shift
  • Unavailable shift
  • My shift
Selecting one of the days will bring up the Shift Viewer, displaying the list of shifts. To sign up for an available shift (designated by a outline) simply click it.
That's it.
You're signed up for the shift!
That's all!
To drop the shift, click your name (which will now be bordered with ). And you're done.
Registration timeframe and group priority is set by the Shift Manager (see below). If you try to sign up for a shift outside of the allowed registration time, a notification will appear to alert you.

Manager view

Shift managers will have couple special pages where they can generate and edit the shift schedule. The links will appear in the top navigation bar (or in the menu if your screen is narrrow).
Org settings
Here you can set the shift block length, and the times when members may sign up for shifts. The shift and slot labels can also be adjusted acconding to your needs an preference.
Manage blocks
To generate the shifts (according to the Org preferences), navigate to the desired month and click an open day. A popup will display to verify the dates of the block. After you confirm this, the designated range of dates will be filled with the appropriate number of shifts.
To add extra slots (eg "Second call" etc) to specific shift, click on the day in question. The shift view will display, showing all the shifts and slots currently in the database. You can add or remove slots clicking the +/- buttons. The first slot may not be deleted. The system also prevents you from removing the slot if a member signed up.
The shift manager may remove a participant from their assigned slot by clicking the slot. A confirmation dialogue will appear to verify this action. Proceed with caution.

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Email: admireCholateBananaPuddingin@sharkInfestedriftsquaremonkeyGuitargirrel.com

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